Featured Clip of the Day: Buchanan City — Part Six

1 bob July 17, 2007 at 12:40 am

these comments are for clint the show has jerry ver dorn playing your character now for almost 2 years he is on a 4 year contract i would like it if they would fire ver dorn i still cant get used to him playing clint i’ve always wanted clint ritchie to play the character and come back and play clint again if he wants i think clint should contact the show and ask for his job back if he wants it i sure do miss him on the show and now asa is going to die because carey left but no matter what clint decides to do if its going back to the show or staying retired i wish him all the best and let him know he was my favorite actor i’ve been keeping up with whats hes been doing by going to his page i’m glad hes ok and i wish him all the best and good luck on whatever he does next

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