
The Official Clint Ritchie Page and Fan Club Headquarters was established in 1998 when Clint’s good friend, JHSiess, “the woman from Lodi” — as Clint ad-libbed on an episode of One Live to Live much to the surprise of co-star Robert S. woods, as well as viewers — decided to learn how to build a website for him.

Some nine years later, while transferring files in anticipation of migrating the site to a new hosting service, she came across a few works of fiction drafted by Clint’s fans. The stories were initially featured on Clint’s main website. In the intervening years, JHSiess became a proficient blogger and decided to take advantage of technology that was not available when the fictional works were originally published to provide them a permanent home here so that they will perhaps find a new audience.

Clint Ritchie, along with the beloved character he brought to life for more than twenty years, Clint Buchanan, and One Life to Live are all gone from the airwaves now. But they will never be forgotten.

If you are a writer of fan fiction and would like to contribute, submit your draft to clintritchiefanfiction at clintritchie dot com.
